Buffalo Ridge - Golf Package

GIRLFRIENDS GOLF & SPA- Big Cedar Lodge Golf Package
One night stay in your choice of accommodations
9-holes per person at Top of the Rock, or 13-holes per person at Mountain Top
18-holes per person at Buffalo Ridge Springs
Complimentary range balls
Complimentary rental clubs
One Lost Canyon Cave and Nature Trail voucher per person
One $100 voucher for Cedar Creek Spa
*Prices based on two adult guests. Prices will vary based on time of year and number of guests. Some weekends and holidays may require a 3-night minimum stay.
For More Information:
Call: 1-800-225-6343
Promo Code: GolfMissouri.com
When calling 1-800-225-6343, please mention you saw this golf package on GolfMissouri.com and mention promo code: GolfMissouri.com.
Buffalo Ridge reserves the right to change price and offer at anytime. Prices and offer are subject to change without notice. GolfMissouri.com is not responsible for errors posted in this golf package.